Ilmastopaneeli IPCC: Ilmastonmuutos osuu koviten köyhimpiin
Some of your friends, however, have less wealth than you. If they sell their last two cattle, it could be a long time before they could afford to replace them. And given that their annual income is highly variable, they can’t risk taking out a loan they may not be able to pay back. So rather than dig themselves into a potentially inescapable hole, they eat less and go hungry. Some of those families have growing children, but they see no other way.
In situations like these, those in poverty can be significantly more vulnerable than their wealthier counterparts. When you have little, your flexibility to deal with unpredictable crises is limited.
Ars Technican artikkelissa käydään läpi kansainvälisen ilmastopaneelin IPCC:n raportin tuloksia, jossa keskitytään erityisesti ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutuksiin köyhemmillä alueilla. Julkaisun mukaan köyhimmät yhteisöt ja yksilöt ovat haavoittuvimmassa asemassa, koska heidän mahdollisuutensa selviytyä epävarmoissa tilanteissa ja arvaamattomissa olosuhteissa ovat heikkojen turvaverkkojen takia alhaiset.
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